Wolf Rings

Our collection of wolf rings is entirely handcrafted for the highest quality. Our creations are full of history and mythology.

Wearing a wolf ring offers unparalleled distinction. While most people try to fit in the sheep flock, you who read these lines are different; you probably look the other way. The pack is here for you! With an unbendable will of steel, you were always meant to be an Alpha! Our wolf rings may not be magical, but they do have an effect on people who wear them: they gain confidence and act like true leaders.

Discover more wolf rings on the following/previous pages !

Why do we wear wolf rings?

The wearing of the wolf ring doesn't have anything religious! But it has slowly become a tradition, which serves as a rallying symbol for wolf lovers community.
A wolf ring, also known among the pack as a wolf signet ring, is a small piece of jewelry shaped in the form of a wolf head or decorated with a wolf (or a wolf body part). Just like any other regular ring, they can be made from various materials: stainless steel, zinc, metal alloys, etc. and in different colors (gold, rose, gold, silver, etc.).

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Some history behind the wolf ring

It is widely believed that the first wolf rings ever build were worn centuries ago. In these ancient times, it was the sign, less ostentatious, of communion between a human and wolves. Only mystic priests and druids could wear a wolf ring and were often called wolf priest for their connection with the majestic creature. There is no mention in any ancient text of the imperative for a specific order of priests to wear wolf rings but we know that only people who could live among a wolf pack could wear one. It is thus in the Middle Ages that the Wolf ring will be democratized, becoming a distinctive sign of strength among nobles. Initially worn by those who loved wolves and lived with them, the wolf ring was now appreciated by wolf hunters as a trophy you could easily show around.

Wearing a wolf ring as a sign of strength

Several arguments are used to justify the wearing of the wolf ring. The trinket, once the prerogative of priests only, is said to have become the sign of distinction of a fragmented community within the wolf lovers, which needs to assert its identity if it is not to be diluted. Others argue that the wolf ring has developed in opposition to wolf hunters, a show of support, and respect if you will.

There is a more moral reason: by sporting this piece of jewelry on the fingers, the wolf lover wears a sign of strength, a strength that is borrowed from his or her spirit animal, the wolf. Your hands become those of a wolf, your fingers transform in powerful claws able to defeat any enemy of prey.

If only the most dedicated wolf lovers wear their wolf ring all the time, it is customary to wear one as a sign of respect when meeting with your wolf pack. However, the wolf ring as such is not important, the main thing is to wear an ostentatious wolf item.

The different types of wolf rings

In any case, today the wolf ring has become a sign of rallying and recognition. There are different types of wolf ring, each one referring to a particular universe:

  • the regular wolf ring
  • the wolf signet ring.

Obviously both feature a wolf but the building is not the same. You're the only one who can say which one you prefer. One isn't better than the other and they will both let your fellow wolf lovers and your wolf pack that you care for wolves.

American Wolves Wolf Rings


When one talks about rings, the first picture that comes to most people’s minds is wedding rings. The purpose of rings, for centuries, has been to represent your fidelity and loyalty towards something or someone. Before wedding rings became the custom, courtiers and commanders wore signet rings to signify where their allegiance lay. Of course, though today’s political climate is as chaotic as it has ever been, the need to wear your loyalty on one of your fingers has died out. On the other hand, we humans have always loved making ourselves look fashionable, and statement rings are a great way to do this. Wearing a ring - or rings if you’re adventurous - is a neat way to express your personality through your style choices. Many popular designs feature the wolves, and that is what we will explore in this article.

.Designs based on animals or birds are usually quite popular, no matter what accessory you consider. People choose these motifs because they signify something to them. While they may seem to be regular designs to the casual observer, buyers usually want them because of some personal significance. Of these, the wolf is immensely symbolic, simply because of its cultural and slightly mythical status. Several ancient and medieval civilizations accorded an elevated status to the wolf. People have written tales and have sung songs about the wolves of their region. Even considering modern times, there have been a handful of movies centered around wolves. Besides, singers refer to wolves’ nature in songs quite often. If you aren’t the sentimental type, there is no denying that wolf motifs look incredibly stylish when you pull them off right. Read on to find out how to effortlessly up your game!

Significance In Different Cultures

Ancient cultures recognized the power and majesty of wolves. The Native Americans even learned to cooperate with the wolves and the wolves returned the favor. Though wolves have their negatives, most civilizations viewed them in a positive and respectful light. Mongols, in particular, worshipped wolves but loathed them as their arch enemy because they killed their livestock and horses. This love-hate relationship could be seen across most cultures. Romans too trace their origin to Romulus and Remus who were fed by a she-wolf.

The wolf ring in Native American Culture

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The Native Americans often lived close to wolves. They adopted a few practices of the wolves, one of these being the structure of the wolfpack. The wolfpack is a group or “family” of wolves headed by one or two alphas. The hierarchy of the pack is quite similar to human joint families that are prevalent even today. Most of the Native American tribes held several beliefs regarding the wolf. They considered it sacred, believing it to be God incarnate. Hunters would often perform rituals before setting out on a hunt, hoping to gain the wolves’ blessings. They despised the killing of wolves, and anyone who did so faced exile. In their view, just like many others’, the wolf represented a host of desirable characteristics.

The wolf ring in Viking Culture

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The Vikings had a more neutral stance towards wolves. Scandinavia has never been home to as many wolves as North America. As a result, the Vikings never really came into contact with wolves. However, these beasts play significant roles in Norse mythology. According to Viking culture, Ragnarok, or doomsday, will be brought about by three malevolent wolves - Fenrir, Skoll, and Hati. Skoll and Hati continually chase the sun and moon, seeking to devour them and cast the world into darkness. But not all wolves are bad in Viking mythology. The king of Asgard, Odin, has two wolves - Geri and Freki - who accompany him on his endeavors. Viking texts don’t portray Fenrir himself as purely evil - he seeks vengeance on the world only because of the bad treatment he received at the hands of the gods. 

The wolf ring in Egyptian Culture

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One of the many deities that the ancient Egyptians worshipped was Wepwawet. Wepwawet was a wolf god who was the god of war and the hunt. This status is again a nod to the natural hunting capability of wolves. Since war is inevitably linked to death, this god came to be connected to death. An offshoot of this was Anubis, the god of mummification and the afterlife. He supposedly watches over helpless souls and leads them to the underworld. 

Some sources say that Wepwawet and Anubis were Egyptian jackals, which are distant relatives of the African wolf. Though several inscriptions depict them as jackals, most of them have distinct lupine features. These inscriptions lead us to conclude that Egyptian beliefs morphed slightly over time, or it was just a case of confusion. Originally, Wepwawet might have been the symbol of the Pharaoh. Anything wolf-like was considered worthy of the ruler, and not only in Egypt. A wolf god watching the path to the underworld was a belief held by the native Americans too.

The wolf ring in pop culture

Wolf rings may be a historical representation of humanity's unbendable will of steel, it slowly became part of the pop culture. Video games such as Dark Souls have integrated a wolf ring in their items list. If you're familiar with this video game's saga, you know they care about background story and the one behind the wolf ring is pretty impressive.

The four knights of Gwyn

As has been said, four Knights were appointed by Gwyn to serve him directly, and it was a great honor indeed for few in this world can claim to have come so close to the Solar Lord.

There was Gough the Hawk-Eye, the great King's Archer, he was a giant, one of the many strange creatures that had been born at the same time as the first flame. The giants, considered inferior and stupid, were long massacred by the gods and enslaved. The fate that befell Gough was exceptional, and only one other giant had the same fate in the course of history, the blacksmith of Anor Londo, a very close friend of Hawk's eye. As precise as the bird whose piercing eye earned him the nickname, he was the greatest archer of his time. Only one man could match Gough's talent, and that was Pharis, who we will talk about later.

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The most famous of the Knights of the Guard comes next, his name is present in many legends, and although he was not captain of the guard, some say that he was and will always be the greatest warrior that the world has ever borne. Artorias the Abyssal Walker, or the Wolf Knight, a name he owes to Sif the Grey Wolf with whom he befriended. Wherever the great warrior went, the wolf followed him, like a shadow among shadows he followed his master's path, even sharing the tragic fate that was promised to him. Artorias wielded the sword, a huge and heavy weapon that he carried in one hand with an amazing dexterity as few warriors of this world can, in his other hand he carried a large shield on which was engraved the harmonious symbol of the creative flame very common in Lordran.

Lively as a bee and discreet as a cat, Ciaran is the least known of Gwen's knights, at least among the majority. For it was in the lower cities and the bad places that she was a legend. Master of Assassins and Spies, Ciaran the Blade of the Lord fought with both hands, the golden tracer to dazzle the victim and the silver tracer to strike him in the heart in a dizzying and deadly dance.
The hornet is his symbol, for swift is his movement and cruel his sting.

It is time to move on to the last of the four knights, Ornstein, Captain of the Guard, known as the Dragon Slayer. It is said that Artorias is the best of the knights, officially it is Ornstein who occupies this role.

Ornstein was one of the most skilled dragon slayers of all time, the trophies of his hunts are everywhere in Anor Londo. Interpretations about him differ, some say that he grew tired of resting in the capital and eventually left to seek out the God of War, son of Lord Gwyn, who was disowned and stripped of his inheritance, and of whom he was the first knight as depicted in the legend of the Sacred Covenant, while others prefer to think that he died defending Anor Londo alongside Smough the Executioner, his comrade in arms.

Ornstein, wearing his golden armor, fought with his spear, a weapon of choice against dragons because of its long reach and its piercing blows against beings clad in scales or armor. This weapon, blessed by the Gods, carried the power of lightning and could easily penetrate the stone scales of ancient dragons.
Armed with this spear and clad in heavy golden armor bearing the image of the Lion, Ornstein was invincible, striking faster than lightning as he flew over the battlefield in battle, swooping down on his enemies like a bird of prey and striking fear into the hearts of all.

A ring for each of the four knights of Gwyn

There was however another warrior who was removed from the guard, Smough the Executioner, he was not a giant but he was of strong stature, much taller than his companion Ornstein, his strength was unmatched, for Gwen to notice him it is obvious that his exploits during the war were no small thing.
However, rumors about him dashed any hope of his being knighted in the Guard, although he was still a knight, which proves his role in the war against the dragons.

Indeed, it was said that Smough was a cannibal and that he took unlimited pleasure in crushing the bones and flesh of his victims under his great hammer, so Gwen promoted him to the rank of executioner, and he was forged a gigantic golden armor that only he could wear. Smough is an important character, and despite the terrible rumors about him, statues of him can still be found in Anor Londo.

In his old age and probably because of the loneliness in the capital, he went mad and died at the hand of the chosen Living Dead, his laughter echoing in the great abandoned cathedral.

To the four knights, Gwen gave four Rings, their power was great and each had a distinctive power, Ornstein received the ring bearing the effigy of the Lion, fierce and powerful its bite was fatal, the piercing power of his spear was greatly strengthened, and allowed him one day, as the legends say, to split a rock in two.

The wolf ring went to Artorias, symbolizing his unfailing will and his physical strength, it made his wearer unshakeable and nothing could ever make him falter again, except the power of the abyssal darkness that sealed his fate.
To Ciaran Gwen donated the ring bearing the Hornet symbol, and never again did her silver tracer fail to deliver the final blow to her targets' backs.
And finally, the ring of the Hawk, a bird of prey with a piercing eye, was given to Gough, who ironically ended his life believing he was blind.

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Location of Wolf Rings

Many cultures consider each finger to have its significance when it comes to wearing rings. The most well-known is wearing engagement or wedding rings on the ring finger. It is most commonly the ring finger on the left hand. A few groups of people prefer to wear it on the right. The reason for choosing the left hand is that the left ring finger supposedly has a vein that runs directly to one’s heart. Wedding rings became an established custom during the World Wars when soldiers wanted something to remind them of their spouses. 

Signet rings or “allegiance rings” are traditionally worn on the little finger or pinkie. In medieval times, people believed that each finger was associated with a certain quality. They would wear amulet rings that were supposed to improve or suppress these qualities, much like buff items in video games. In some cultures, everyone wears a birth ring on their index finger. This ring indicates the day and month on which the wearer was born. Another medieval-period ring was the thumb ring, which is probably the only type of ring with a practical purpose. These rings were worn by archers to prevent any damage to their thumbs.

Popular Types of Wolf Rings 

As with any other fashion accessory, there are several types of wolf rings from which you can choose. What you choose depends on whether you are buying one just for style points or sending a message. We have listed the various offerings available on the market right now.

Based on Material

There are several different materials out of which jewelers can fashion rings. Each metal signifies different meanings and sentiments. Below, we have listed the most popular ones used for rings and how to choose one. 

Wolf Gold Rings

Gold has traditionally signified wealth and prosperity. While this display of riches used to be quite pretentious in the past, the metal still retains its symbolism. Whether this is due to its rarity or how it looks is unclear. People usually reserve gold for purposes like engagement rings or wedding rings. In these contexts, the rings stand for longevity and happiness. Wealth is inextricably linked to power. As a result, gold can also symbolize power. Emperors in the ancient ages often sported a lot of gold jewelry. And of course, one can never forget the golden One ring, from The Lord of The Rings.

In the context of wolf rings, gold doesn’t fit the theme. If you are looking to buy a wolf ring, you most likely want it for what it symbolizes. Because we usually associate a wolf with being able to survive harsh environments, a gold wolf might seem out of place. Of course, it is down to personal preferences.

Wolf Silver Rings

Silver is often the metal of choice for rings that are not meant for engagements or weddings. Many people prefer this metal for statement rings as it looks sophisticated and stylish without being as flashy as gold. Also, in some cultures, the ring finger is associated with the moon, which is, in turn, associated with silver. So if you are looking for a non-wedding ring to wear on your ring finger, silver is the way to go. Silver also goes well with the wolf aesthetic, as it is a lot closer to the natural fur color of wolves than gold. A well-chosen silver wolf ring can add a lot of punch to any outfit.

Wolf Titanium Rings

Titanium rings are a great alternative not only aesthetically but also budget-wise. The subdued look of titanium fits in quite well with the ruggedness of wolves. Titanium wolf rings are available in varying shades of grey. The color of some of these rings borders on black, which looks fantastic with almost any dress you choose. When it comes to jewelry, titanium stands for longevity and durability. This quality gels quite well with the wolf theme too.

Based on Design

Below are the most popular designs of wolf rings.

Wolf Signet Rings

A signet ring consists of a plain band with a large engraving. In earlier periods, signet rings had precious gems set in them. When it comes to wolf rings, there are usually engravings of wolf heads in place of gems. Signet rings make for a great style statement, and they are also quite practical to wear. 

Wolf Embossed Rings

In an embossed ring, the design is molded into the metal so that it stands out. An embossed ring has a more uniform shape than a signet ring, as it is one continuous hoop. An embossed wolf on your ring looks minimalist yet striking.

Wolf Promise Rings

In general, promise rings are a set of two rings, one of which is give to a person to whom you make a promise. They serve as a reminder of the commitment and that you will one day fulfill it. When you combine this sentiment with a wolf design, its significance gets amplified. This is because most cultures view wolves as symbols of loyalty, justice, and honor. 

Wolf Cultural Rings

Given the place wolves have occupied and still occupy in various cultures, it is no surprise that rings with designs specific to each culture exist. For example, Viking wolf rings are a thing. These rings usually have accompanying runes engraved in addition to wolves. Runes were, of course, something the Vikings used. Some rings depict the evil wolves, Skoll and Hati, chasing the sun and moon, wrapping around the ring’s surface. A popular motif is the howling wolf, which is an overarching theme but which most people associate with Native American culture. 


In the end, it is essential to apply some thought before buying a wolf ring. Wearing a wolf ring might not be for everyone. Also, wolf rings are suitable only for casual and streetwear. So if you spend a lot of your waking hours working in business attire, a wolf ring probably isn’t for you. Unless you have cool superiors, that is. The cost matters too. You don’t want to splurge on a gold ring and then realize you’re never going to wear it. Of course, if you are good at doing your research, you’re good to go. You could also try finding a custom ring-maker. They usually charge a premium, but you get what you want. Before buying a wolf ring, you also have to think about what it symbolizes. 

 Wolves are supposedly noble and honorable animals, and wearing a wolf ring would associate yourself with those qualities. If you want one solely for its looks but are too nervous to try it out, test it out in the privacy of your home first. Or you could get it from someone who has one. Something that many people don’t think about is the weight of the ring. Particularly intricate rings can weigh down on your fingers, and it can be a pain to wear them. So, this is one reason it isn’t advisable to wear multiple rings, the other being that it could look tasteless. Also, always try to balance your accessories. If you are wearing a ring on your right hand, make sure to wear a watch or a bracelet on your left. However, all you need is confidence!

On the 24 Jan 2021, Twitch player Artorias Fan Feed released a series of videos from Aug 2020 presenting all the rings of the video game Dark Souls III. Many of Artorias Fan Feed's followers complained because the video was monetized and ads were played every 3 minutes on the video. In order to put an end to the community growing dissatisfaction, Artorias did what was going to cost him his entire fanbase. He created an entirely new account named Stone Knight and reuploaded the video under the name Playthrough Dark Souls III. Under the game description, you could now read: poise area location notes from the Stone Knight. 

Availability of the Wolf Ring depending your location

Overview of the wolf ring: The properties of the wolf ring make it one of the most researched ring in the entire Fandom Apps dedicated to this DS3 version. The wolf ring effect depends whether your character has a heavy armor or a hyper armor equipped.

Wolf ring effect with the heavy armor

If your character is wearing a heavy armor, you will able to increase the average full medium set of armor poise. This is particularly a good option if you would like to see similar lightweight weapons bounce from you even without unlocking the Master of Rings achievement. Usually, wearers of heavy armor use the living tree from the blacksmith of Anor Londo as a rallying symbol. It's completely useless lmao but because the living tree is a basic wolf ring, it will help you parry straight swords, daggers, and any two-handed weapon. Just keep in mind that the best suits wearers of medium armor are also a good choice if you are going after the rings achievement.

wolf ring poise - american wolves

Wolf ring effect with the hyper armor

Hyper armor frames unlock an extra ring slot for the players which is ideal if you own a Tier 1 ring. Here is a non-exhaustive list of all the special rings in the game:

  • the Obscuring ring
  • Havel's ring
  • the Hornet ring
  • the Hawk ring
  • Leo's ring (Dark Souls Remastered version of this ring is called Leo Ring)
  • Wolf band ring
  • Ring TA90A (which is an upgradable item only available after you defeat the Great Stone Knight)
  • the Elden ring.

Depending which DS3 version you own, the poise breakpoints of your weapon could be limited to +10 only. The easiest way to reach the highest level of poise skill is to clean the entire lower path entrance of the Darkroot Garden. After you kill the sleeping stone giants, on the right of the large locked door, you will find a secret route. Be careful! Knights of Gwyn and Knights of the Guard often ambush players at this location.

Edit: in Jun 2020, new IGN themes were released on the PSN rendering the lower area of the Darkroot Garden locked. This bug is still not fixed as of today.

How the wolf ring increases poise for the players

High poise is something all adepts of PvP and invaders enjoy. If you reach the highest level of poise, casting fire storm or any superior magic spell becomes ridiculously easy. According to DS3 Wiki guide, druid rings and other magical item from the family can only be obtained if the players gains a lot of poise during real poise hours. 

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People tend to forget that some pieces of equipment are simply designed and built for aesthetic purposes. In a Twitter post from Feb 2019, Chris Hemsworth stated that the wolf ring makes the presence of its wearer almost unnoticeable to fighting enemies unless he or she is located at a distance of 2 meters. The player's presence cannot be noticed even if the fog of war is still active.

In other words, high poise results in being able to carry the maximum lock even without Rakuyo's insane rambling. Quite an achievement if you haven't spent a significant amount of time on the game.

Where to find the wolf ring in the IGN store

First of all, travel to the IGN store and enter the Cave of the Solar Lord. Make sure you have a heavy weapon equipped as the beginning of the tunnel is crowded with a significant amount of sleeping stone giants. The greatsword is probably the best choice but unless you have the raw materials required to craft it, we would recommend you the Wolf's Blood Swordgrass. If you have it equipped in your left hand and the wolf signet ring in your right hand, you will easily get rid of the Watchdogs of Farron Covenant. 

The easiest path to the wolf ring in Dark Souls

Zack Snyder revealed that the subdued look of titanium fits cancel the properties and special effects of any great King's archer. So in order to get the wolf ring or any other silver wolf ornament band ring, you first need to understand what the different types of wolf rings are.

Popular designs are ideal as a birthday gift: they are available in different colors, various materials, and they will fit any wolf body part. In ancient cultures, receiving such piece of jewelry was a great honor only given to Gwen's knights, poise boys or the greatest warrior in the wolf pack. Artoria's time among the giants tells us that the player can only walk in a secret area if he hides behind Pale Tongues. Similar technologies and materials are very likely to be found among the wolf lovers community. 

The quickest path to the wolf ring according to Luh Mao

Luh Mao is what you can call an expert at the game. On all his runs at the game, the Korean YouTuber plays as a wolf priest or dragon slayer. His love-hate relationship with silver rings is what led the public to give him the nickname God of War. Luh Mao believes that a great way to get the wolf ring and all the other wedding rings early in the game is to join the wolf hunters after the ancient text of the imperative is stolen from you. To avoid any further spoil, let's say that an important character of the game's screenplay will use moral reason to offer free resizing. The side refine panel of that mysterious character is engraved with the hand of the chosen living dead. You cannot miss it!

General information about Artorias Wolf Ring

During their adventure in the Middle Ages, players will encounter many characters wearing a wolf ring. Men's rings are often inspired by different cultures like the vintage Viking warrior punk ring from Norse culture or Native Americans with the Moon Ring Crescent Moon Wolf. Native American culture is omnipresent in the game and detailed information on this folklore can be obtained in exchange of sterling silver, raw materials, stainless steel, or golden tracer. 

Viking culture on the other hand is unfortunately underrepresented. Its rarity throughout the game led players to build custom armors that form a wolf head as a distinctive sign of strength. A new wolf head Nordic tribal mythology Viking Celtic silvers mens was later introduced in all versions of the game. The Wolves of Odin Viking bracelet is probably the most famous of the wolf jewelry. It is worn by Hawk-Eye and mens Southwestern wolf claw.

If you visit the shop in Gothic Lion, always bring a big enough satchel. With the wrong size equipped, the auction becomes useless as the price for getting the main stone is 999999 times the main stone of your companion's category.

A more detailed explanation is available on request on the last page of the auctionable Wiki guide on crafting. Obtaining it requires to be able to pay the price and you will most likely have to get rid of various materials if you want to get your hands on the LARP animal jewelry.

wolf ring location dark souls-american wolves

Finally, a quick word about the wolf Turkish ottoman wolf ring: in the first version, its original price was above 999 gold. But the wearing of the wolf ring led players to focus too much on the ring shape and entertainment was fading from the video games. Its unique design is the only way to preserve the site integrity without altering the source that keep ruins bonfire. Rosaria's ringers were actually cut because when given a wolf ring women only worry about the buying format. The color, style, material, condition, tone, and brand of the wedding ring cannot define the item metadata or item ID. Consult a gift guide about usage and crafting of a Celtic wolf ring or apply IGN daily fix if you try to figure the video location timestamp out.